A fashion student's thoughts on whatnot.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Please jump into my closet now

It's been far too long. What finally motivated me to post something?..... Why, procrastination of course! I somehow found myself visiting endless shopping sites. Oh interweb...you provide countless reasons why I shouldn't be studying for Public Relations and Organizational Behavior midterms.

My new years resolution was to only purchase clothes less than $10 and save up for designer bags and shoes. However.....these might make me forget.


This skirt by itself is cute but doesn't exactly make me swoon... but paired with green wedges and some type of easy shirt?....luh-ove.


Contra Dance Skirt

This skirt makes me happy. I think I actually heard it ask me to buy it just so I could twirl.

Believe me, there is much more where these 3 pieces came from. Alas, it is almost tomorrow and I need to take a test in 8 hours.

Sincerely, Lauren