Texts from last night....Scratch that..Make it texts from yesterday.
So I was going to try relay the details of my day yesterday but couldn't remember everything. Fortunately out of boredom and a love for my best friend, I texted molly about everything that had happened. Here they are:

So my first teacher didn't show up to class. I now find myself reading at starbucks in my black pant leggings, gray wife beater, and white blonde hair. I feel so wonderfully cliche. yay for being so tacky and chic at the same time! Note to self: Starbucks has free wifi! If only I had my mac, I could be blogging and feel even more like Carrie Bradhaw. After I get through a few chapters I'm headed to target to get nail polish to do my nails to kill more time before my world religions glass at noon. wish you were here!
Scratch target. I got distracted by a jewelry store going out of business. 3 pairs of earrings later...and i'm still trying to figure out what to do. goodwill?
soo....I just sat in this completely filled, but completely silent library....and of course my chair makes the loudest and longest fart noise. My easy stylish sophisticated feeling of carrie bradshaw just got canceled out.
So to reassure everyone that the culprit was the chair and not my cute tush...I am currently sitting here trying to subtly make the chair do it again.
PS: I'm pretty sure I'm now known to everyone in the library as the girl who farts, annoying texts loudly, and then laughs uncontrollably at the received texts.
wait!!! I think my farting/texting/laughing ways have been outdone. There's a new annoyance in town. AKA: Chick to my left whose ringtone is "I kissed a girl."